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Lotta Fritzdorf and Johan Rosenlind began their professional writing career quite late in life, but in short time, their authorship have grown to span from writing for television, thrilling novels as well as cookbooks.
Johan Rosenlind has created and written the hit TV-series The Restaurant (Vår tid är nu). It follows the Löwander family, who runs one of the most prestigious restaurants, Djurgårdskällaren, in the heart of Stockholm. The Second World War is finally over, creating great opportunities as well as entailing conflicts between the old and the new.
Together, Lotta and Johan have made a cookbook with recipes from the TV-series, with the aim of capturing the atmosphere of the time, the people and the food at restaurant Djurgårdskällaren.
Johan and Lotta also cooperate with Pegasus Pictures, Iceland (producer for Game of Thrones and Fortitude). They have written a drama thriller for Television for the European market waiting for production and a Sci-Fi thriller storyline is resting, as we speak, with American producers.
2020 – The Restaurant, season 4 – Christmas Special (Vår tid är nu/julspecial, säsong 4), Drama production/SVT, producer: Jarowskij TV, original idea and writer
2019 – The Restaurant, season 3 (Vår tid är nu, säsong 3), Drama production/SVT, producer: Jarowskij TV, original idea and writer
2018 – The Restaurant, season 2 (Vår tid är nu, säsong 2), Drama production/SVT, producer: Jarowskij TV, original idea and writer
2017 – The Restaurant (Vår tid är nu), season 1, Drama production/SVT, producer: Jarowskij TV, original idea and writer