Global issues seen through ordinary people

Rights and awards
Awards & Nominations
2023 – Despair shortlisted for the Crimetime Award in the category “Crime Debut of the Year”
Emmy Walt is a former journalist who lives on Gotland. Writing has always been a big part of her life. Alongside journalism, she has also blogged and been active in debates. However, the dream has always been to become a writer, and now that dream has come true.
Growing up, books of horror kept her awake for far too long into the nights, heavy tomes written by Stephen King and Dean R. Koontz. When she wrote herself however, it was rather the interest in social issues that came into focus. In everything from school essays to articles and debates, her passion for delving into specific, sometimes contemporary, topics has shone through.
This great interest in social issues is also present in Emmys debut novel Despair (Flykt), which focuses on global terrorism and how it affects communities and its inhabitants. While Emmy likes to dig deep into specific issues, it is the ordinary people who get the most space in her stories. Their lives, feelings, actions and reactions.
Her inspiration comes from the outside world, from journalistic pieces, documentaries, and podcasts where Emmy likes to delve into specific topics. And even if the days of journalism are now behind her, the skills in research and dramaturgy come in handy. Above all, what fascinates her the most are the extraordinary things happening to ordinary people and how they’re affected, regardless of them being perpetrators or victims.
Despair was praised by critics and nominated for Debutant of the Year at Crimetime Award and in 2025 the second installment in the series about the unconventional and courageous journalist Mila Savic is to be published, Clan (Klan).
Emmy Walt’s website: emmywalt.se
Emmy Walt’s Instagram: @emmywalt_author
Emmy Walt’s Facebook: @emmywaltauthor
2025 – Clan (Klan), thriller
2023 – Despair (Flykt), thriller
Author photo
Linda Broström. For photo rights please contact the photographer at info@lindisima.se