A warm welcome Anki Edvinsson!

Anki Edvinsson is a familiar face to many Swedes from her former career on television, where she has worked as tv-host, journalist and weather forecaster. Edvinsson more or less grew up on a police station, spending her time with her father and his police colleagues. Her brother also made his career within the police so there has always been discussions around the dinner table. In her research for a novel, Edvinsson’s interest for crime and psychology re-awoke, and she studied criminology at the University of Umeå.
Edvinsson made her author debut in 2018 with the crime novel LUST TO KILL (Lust att döda), published by North Chapter, a small independent Publishing house with strong connections to north of Sweden. For all readers eagerly waiting for next book, we are happy to announce that her next crime novel will be published by Norstedts in 2020. The setting is in north of Sweden where Charlotte von Klint and her colleagues at the police station in the town Umeå investigates gruesome murders and the working title is WHAT DIES INSIDE US (Det som dör inombords). The first two books have already been sold to Norway.