Emmy Abrahamson Sparklingly funny
EMMY ABRAHAMSON & HANNA JEDVIK Fast and funny cosy crime writing duo
REBECKA E. ALDÉN Characters you can't trust, twists you won't guess!
Charlotte Al-Khalili Contemporary noir
ANNA KAROLINA Crime and punishment with considerable accuracy
Heidi Amsinck
Karin Aspenström Atmospheric suspense
Ida Axelsson & Åsa Bonelli Heart racing crime author duo
Anne Cathrine Bomann Dense, beautiful and grand prose
ANNA BREITHOLTZ MONSÉN Humour and dark undertones in a perfect mix
CILLA & ROLF BÖRJLIND Justice and strong heroes - no compromises
Molly & Rolf Börjlind Dense psychological thrill
MARIANNE CEDERVALL Drama, warmth and humor make a really good read
PETRUS DAHLIN Challenges the norm for children and YA books
Anki Edvinsson Nerve-shredding procedural crime
JOHAN EHN Stories that touch and stay for a long time
SARA B. ELFGREN Unlimited creativity
Sara B. Elfgren & Johan Egerkrans An enchanting Christmas tale by the fantasy masters
SARA B. ELFGREN & KARL JOHNSSON Nordic mythology meets Game of Thrones meets Gladiator
Sara B. Elfgren & Emil Maxén Traditional fairy tales turn into Baroque fantasy
SARA B. ELFGREN & MATS STRANDBERG Storytellers with a love for supernatural drama
Per Faxneld Folklore reimagined in adventurous stories
JAN-ERIK FJELL Intense suspense and multi-layered storylines
LINA FORSS Gripping entertainment with forward drive
Johanna Frid Daring and poignant
Lotta Fritzdorf & Johan Rosenlind Heart and thrill in pageturning stories
Eleonore Holmgren Richly drawn characters and evocative settings
ANNA JANSSON High excitement and ethical dilemmas
Hanna Jedvik Poetic language, strong emotions and great empathy
JENNY JÄGERFELD Contemporary stories that change your perspective
Jenny Jägerfeld & Mats Strandberg Icons of horror literature at the psychologist
Lotta Kühlhorn & Håkan Östlundh Always ready to party
IDA KJELLIN Modern adventures
Nilla Kjellsdotter Ostrobothnian Nordic Noir
Bianca Kronlöf Humor, Intelligence and Integrity
Oskar Källner & Karl Johnsson Bringing geek culture to next generation
Ulrika Lagerlöf
HANNA LINDBERG Journalistic drive and contemporary style
Emil Maxén Smart and playful when nature meets fantasy
Astrid Mohlin Character driven stories with realistic dialogues
Lena Ollmark With horror on her mind
Lena Ollmark & Håkan Östlundh Eerie suspense
SIRI PETTERSEN Nordic Fantasy 2.0 – the gates are open
Siri Pettersen & H.L Phoenix
Thomas Pettersson He solved the Palme case
Ana Porss Human value in general and women’s value in particular
Evelyn Scala Schreiber Epic love story and family saga
Atefeh Sebdani From surviving to thriving
PETER STJERNSTRÖM Innovative stories for stretch readers
MATS STRANDBERG You will love his characters – and fear for their lives
MATS STRANDBERG & SOFIA FALKENHEM Monster stories with a heart of gold
Gustav Tegby Noirish weirdness - closer than you think
LONE THEILS Smart suspense and multilayered characters
KERSTIN THORVALL Iconic and brave
EMMY WALT Global issues seen through ordinary people
Åsa Wikforss Sweden's Coolest Philosopher
HÅKAN ÖSTLUNDH Quality pageturner with many dimensions