LIKED – The Superpower of Being Authentic, Positive and Relevant
(Omtyckt - Superkraften i att vara äkta, positiv och relevant)
Lars Johan Åge

In a world which chases after superficial popularity and status to an increasing degree, we have lost one of our human super-powers: likeability. We have everything to gain from getting it back.
Research has clearly shown that likeability has great positive effects in many areas in our lives. Sincere, well-grounded likeability contributes to increasing our wellbeing, it improves our health and leads to greater success in, say, working life. In this book, there is a unique description of what this power actually consists of, and what effects it can have in our own lives as well as our surroundings.
The question is what we must do to find our way back to, or to reinforce, this power. Paradoxically, the answer is: not much. To develop natural likeability, we should actually ‘do’ less, and ‘be’ more by training an increased awareness. In Liked, Lars-Johan Åge shows how we can achieve this
210 pages
Indonesia: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Sweden: Volante
Taiwan: Yuan-Liou