Mats Strandberg jury member

We’re proud to announce that Mats Strandberg is one of five members of the honourable jury for the “Lilla Augustpriset”.
“Lilla Augustpriset” is the August Award given to a young unsigned author of fiction, poetry or reportage,in the age group 16-20. The prize is handed out during the August Award ceremony in Stockholm on November 26th.
This year 500 (exactly) texts in the form of short stories, poetry collections, essays and reportages has been sent to Sweden’s biggest litterary award for the young writers ages 16 to 20, Lilla Augustpriset (The Small August Prize).
The jury consists of Lotta Lyssarides, (photo: Sara Mac Kay), Johanna Lindbäck (photo: Stefan Tell), Patrik Lundberg (photo: Julia Lindemalm), Malin Nordén (photo: Peter Philips) and Mats Strandberg (photo: Henric Lindsten).