Otto B. Lindhardt Prisen to Lone Theils

We are more than proud and hugely happy to announce that Lone Theils, has received the Otto B. Lindhardt Prisen 2022.
Lone Theils is hereby a member of an exclusive club with the most important authors at Lindhardt och Ringhof publishing house. The price is handed out every year and the prize sum is 50.000 DKK.
Before handing over the prize, Sune de Souza Schmidt-Madsen, Editoral Director at Lindhardt og Ringhof gave an emotional and generous speech in which he showered Lone with compliments, both as a writer and as a person:
“It is with great pleasure that we can finally reveal that Lone Theils is the lucky recipient of the Otto B. Lindhardt prize 2022. You have impressed us from day 1 and you never cease to impress us. Your openness, your warmth, your generosity and your strong sense of community are just some of the many things we love about you. And your mind also rubs off on your books. They contain the same sense of justice, the same warmth, the same heart as you do. And you give something to the readers, just like you give something to us. Our collaboration, the generosity you show towards the publisher, the booksellers, the press, the libraries – indeed all around, makes it a pleasure to make books with you.”
And Lone, in her prize speech, praised in return:
“In one of my favorite bookshops in London, Foyle’s on Charing Cross Road, there is a sign that I love. It says: Welcome booklover. You are Among Friends. You could just as well hang that sign over the door in Vognmagergade, because that’s what it’s like to enter the publishing corridor at Lindhardt & Ringhof.”