Screenwriter photo
Martin Stenmark. For photo rights, please contact the photographer at info@martinstenmark.se
Parallel with his work as a fiction writer, Håkan Östlundh has been writing scripts for movies and TV since 1997. He has experience in many different genres, has written both live action and animation, and has worked in many roles, such as episode writer, head writer and script consultant.
Håkan Östlundh’s career as a script writer began with the kids show The Three Friends … and Jerry, which was a huge hit, that sold to over 50 countries. At around the same time, Håkan wrote for the show The Sixth Day, and that says something about his width; the capacity to seamlessly write for totally different audiences, and to be able to do it in a credible way.
Apart from writing novels and scripts for TV, Håkan has a long experience of writing for radio. His latest audio drama, The Pension Swindle, that he co-wrote with Lotta Eriksson, is currently in development to become a tv-series, produced by one of the major production companies in Sweden.
Tv productions in selection
2007 – Höök (Höök), season 2, criminal series/SVT 1, Bobfilm, episode writer
1997-99 – The Three Friends… and Jerry (De tre vännerna… och Jerry), season 1 and 2, animated comedy in 91 episodes, Happy Life Animation A, head writer
1997-98 – The Sixth Day (Sjätte dagen), season 1, drama series/SVT
2023 – The Pension Swindle (Pensionssvindeln), radio drama, Swedish Radio, writer, with Lotta Erikson
1996 – The Last Visit (Det sista besöket), radio play, Swedish Radio P3
1992 – Persefone (Persefone), short play, Scenbolaget
1986 – Castaway (Castaway), radio play, Swedish Radio P3