Welcome Thobias Hoffmén
We are happy and proud to present Thobias Hoffmén as a new author at Grand Agency. Thobias is the writer behind productions like Håkan Bråkan, Insiativet (The Initiative) and Hoppas farfar dör (Hope Grandpa Dies).
Throughout his career, Thobias has proven that he can write for big audiences as well as for a narrower crowd, and this range is one of his absolute strengths. The biggest drive for him is to use this strength and create niche films for a wide audience. Stories with a strong dramatic core but with unpredictable genre twists and associations that make them memorable. Movies he himself would love to see, that do not yet exist.
Thobias has worked as a director as well as a writer, which has improved his understanding of how to write compelling scripts that make for a great end product. He also loves to vary his form of work, and doesn’t mind going from being head writer to a writers room.