Åsa Wikforss – Enlightener of the Year 2020

Congratulations Åsa Wikforss and her publisher Fri Tanke Förlag who share the award Enlightener of the Year 2020 for their praiseworthy work to distribute 65,000 copies of Wikfors’ book ALTERNATIVE FACTS to Swedish high school students during the year. In addition, Åsa Wikforss has in the general debate in an exemplary manner worked for good source criticism and taken a stand against science-hostile knowledge relativism.
The award is handed out by the Swedish non-profit organization Vetenskap och Folkbildning (VoF), The Swedish Skeptics Association, who’s aim is to promote popular education about the methods of science and its results. By engaging in open debate, the organization particularly sets its task to discredit false ideas about matters that can be resolved scientifically
Vetenskap och Folkbildning’s chair man Pontus Böckman:
– We at VoF wholeheartedly applaud Åsa Wikfors’ efforts to explain the importance of separating real knowledge from ”alternative facts”. She and the publisher Fri Tanke have also generously ensured that young students have free access to Wikfors’ extraordinarily insightful book on the subject. This makes them obvious recipients of the title Enlightener of the Year.
Besides the honour the prize money is SEK 30,000.