Alternative Facts - On Knowledge and Its Enemies (Alternativa fakta)
Åsa Wikforss

We live in the era of ‘post truth’ – a time where public opinion is increasingly shaped by emotion and personal belief rather than by reason and evidence, and where established knowledge is being resisted.
As the world is being flooded with fake news, conspiracy theories and science denial we look for a solution. From a philosophical and a psychological perspective, the book is aiming to provide an accessible guide to the phenomenon of post truth and how we can best counteract it, using concrete examples from current events and politics. Written in an easy accesible way, the book provides the basic philosophical framework required to understand the current challenges – explaining what distinguishes knowledge from mere opinion, why it is so easy to sow doubt and disinform, why truth is so hard and how the social nature of human knowledge makes us vulnerable to the manipulation of trust.
261 pages
Complete English translation and synopsis available. Order here.
China: CITIC Press
Croatia: OceanMore
Denmark: Turbine
Egypt: Sefsafa Culture & Publishing (Arabic world rights)
Finland: Aula & Co
Germany: Harper Collins
Hungary: Typotex
Korea: Prunsoop
Norway: Gyldendal
Slovakia: Ikar
Spain: Tecnos (Spanish World Rights)
Sweden: Fri Tanke
Taiwan: SpringHill
Turkey: Epsilon
Vietnam: Book Hunter
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