Italian release and Thriller Festival

Hanna Lindberg is on her way to Italy for the release of the second novel in her Solveig Berg series – Il gusto di uccidere (STOCKHOLM GROTESQUE). She will also participate at Nebbiagialla Festival.
Reviews are already pouring in – the Italian readers are thrilled!
“Hanna Lindberg captures and bewitches the reader … the plot is overwhelming and not at all obvious, full of suspense.”
Libria la mia vita 2.0
“A story that can aim to match the great classics of the same genre, with an extra gear to attract younger readers (but adults), perfectly contextualized in the new millennium”
Libri e Sognalibri
“Lindberg proves to be a rare example of a journalist brought to the genre novel that is not sold to the current trend, but instead continues to develop his idea of story and plot.”
Michele Finelli, Contorni di noir
“Once again Lindberg offers us a rich and intricate story, with some twists and action and suspense worthy of a good thriller (…) I liked to settle down in a situation, to deal with people of a certain type and to be part of a certain world. Hanna Lindberg does all this, as well as writing an enjoyable and intense story.”
Desperate Bookswife
“Hanna Lindberg has indeed managed to capture and intrigue me immediately, her writing is so smooth and linear that the chapters are read in a moment … I recommend everyone to get to know this author and her pen.”
Sonia Graziano – Il Salotto del Gatto Libraio
”a frenetic and dense thriller”
Les fleurs du mal