New author duo at Grand Agency

Grand Agency welcomes Emmy Abrahamson & Hanna Jedvik – a new cosy crime author duo with funny bones.
Emmy Abrahamson and Hanna Jedvik met through Facebook in 2020, when Emmy posted a message searching for a “fun, wine-drinking, gossip-loving female author” to write with. Out of the many people who replied, Hanna was chosen for her clear and enthusiastic email. Together Emmy and Hanna created two female radio journalists who have to work together, while being each other’s polar opposites, and the Radio Heroes-series was born. Because of the pandemic, Emmy and Hanna only met in real life after having written the first two books of the Radio Heroes-series. Meaning they have a lot of wine drinking together to catch up on.
The first book in the series The Great Artist is released in Sweden at Albert Bonniers Förlag February 1st. It is a warm, humorous and fast-paced suspense novel with two unexpected heroes to take to the heart.
Emmy Abrahamson
Emmy Abrahamson is one of the most prominent feelgood and comedy writers in Sweden today. She writes books for adults, childen and young adults, as well as scripts for film and TV. One day she will be a beekeeper.
Hanna Jedvik
Hanna Jedvik has published several award-winning books for young adults as well as having worked in media for many years. Hanna often works as a moderator and as a freelance journalist and editor. She loves the ocean and taking long walks with her dog Siri.