Siri Pettersen founds fantasy award

Siri Pettersen is founding an award to foster new fantasy writers and promote Norwegian fantasy. The Raven Rings Prize will be awarded to writers who have emerged with impressive work and drive. The first winner will be announced spring 2022.
The prize is granted by Pettersen personally, in conference with colleagues in the book industry. The aim is to provide support at an often crucial stage, early in a career, through means of a financial contribution, mentoring, and promotion.
– My own creative breakthrough came from taking two months leave from work to complete my book. This intense focus period was invaluable in moving forward, and I’m founding this prize because I have a deep desire to give others the same opportunity to commit, says Siri Pettersen.
Siri Pettersen made her debut in 2013 with Odin’s Child, the first book in The Raven Rings trilogy, and the first fantasy novel ever to be nominated for the Norwegian Bookseller’s Prize. She has since set a new standard for Norwegian fantasy: The series has sold over 300 000 copies in a dozen countries, been nominated for – and won – numerous awards, and was recently launched in the US.
– It’s amazing, but it shouldn’t be unique! Norwegian fantasy is bursting with fresh, strong work that deserves attention, both at home and abroad. I want to contribute to that with The Raven Rings Prize, says Pettersen.
The award is independent, but Pettersen welcomes partners in the industry, especially when it comes to promoting the winners and their projects. The Raven Rings Prize is one of a kind in Norway, and the winner will receive €5000.