Adlibris Awards 2021

We are proud to announce that our authors Anna Jansson, Bianca Kronlöf and Ida Kjellin are nominated for the 2021’s Adlibris Awards.
Best Crime: PUPPET ON A STRING (Dansa min docka) by Anna Jansson.
Best Non fiction: LETTERS TO MEN (Brev till mannen) by Bianca Kronlöf.
Best Childen’s novel 6-12 yrs: WORLD’S WORST DISEASES (Världens hemskaste sjukdomar) and WORLD’S WORST DISEASES 2 (Världens hemskaste sjukdomar 2) by Ida Kjellin and Sofia Bergström.
Adlibris is the leading book retailer in the Nordics and the Adlibris Award was founded in 2019 to celebrate the site’s greatest titles. The 10 nominated titles in the 9 respective categories have been selected by a jury of Adlibris employees from all works published in 2021. The winner will be announced on January 25th 2022. Click here to cast your vote before December 8th.