Cilla & Rolf Börjlind
Promo video (in Swedish)
Trailer for the second season at SVT
Marseille: a blind woman is found brutally murdered in a recreational park. She has previously worked at a circus as a target girl for a knife thrower. The murder affects a close friend of the former police Tom Stilton. Together, they decide to find out what happened.
At the same time the customs officer Bengt Sahlmann is found dead in his home in Rotebro just north of Stockholm. It is made to look like a suicide but the police immediately sees through this and puts the death in connection with a large stash of drugs seized by customs. The case lands at Mette Olsäter’s table as she is in charge of the team chasing international net drug dealers.
After a trip to Mexico Olivia Rönning decides to take her murdered mother’s name Rivera. She has completed her police training decides not to seek a permanent position. At home in Sweden, she accidently gets involved in the assassination of Sahlmann, but being who she is, she follows other tracks than the main investigation. Trails that leads her into the cynical world of raw capitalism. She discovers that the motive for the murder is to find in the circles that are milking the Swedish welfare system on resourses.
Her tracks cross the leads from Stilton’s and his friend’s private investigation in Marseille. Somehow the two murders are related. Despite their former disagreements Stilton and Rivera begin to work together.
After the mega success with Spring Tide Cilla and Rolf Börjlind are back with a title that is just as good as the first.
462 pages
Belgium: AW Bruna
Brazil: Rocco
Croatia: Znanje
Czech Republic: Euromedia
Denmark: Gyldendal
Estonia: Kirjastus Sinisukk
Finland: Schildts & Söderström
France: Editions du Seuil
Germany: btb/Random House
Iceland: Forlagid
Israel: Kinneret Zmora
Italy: Nord/Mauri Spagnol
Latvia: Zvaigzne ABC Publishers
Lithuania: Media Incognito/Obuolys
The Netherlands: AW Bruna
Norway: Gyldendal
Poland: Sonia Draga
Portugal: 20|20 Editora
Romania: Editura Paralela 45
Russia: EKSMO
Serbia: Vulkan
Slovakia: Ikar a.s.
Slovenia: Hisa knjig Kms
Spain: Ediciones B (REVERTED RIGHTS)
Sweden: Norstedts
UK: Hesperus Press (REVERTED RIGHTS)
Filmlance (Shine Group)
“The charcters are all imbued with a strong sense of morality, and the initial rifts between them are a source of great emotional soul searching. In fact, I would go far as to say that the construction of their individual identities are more akin to the style of characterisation you see more in literary fiction, as the highs and lows of their unique emotional make up contains pathos, tragedy, resilience and where appropriate moments of dark humour. I love these characters, and more importantly as a reader, I care about them. Quite simply, this will be one of the most perfect Scandinavian thrillers you could wish to pick up this year. All the elements of the genre we admire, combined with the unique visual quality, seamless dialogue, and narrative edge that the Borjlinds can provide with their television scripting. The characters are believable, fallible, and multi-faceted, and will draw you in from the outset. Brilliant.”
Raven Crime Reads / UK
“It is insane how well they write, Cilla and Rolf Börjlind, and even more insane how totally amazing they are at building a story. I might as well say it straight out; it is very hard to put The Third Voice down! Each page is full of excitement and the story is incredibly creepy. 5 out of 5.”
Krimifan / DK
“The script writers behind Martin Beck and Wallander start the year with a bang in the form of a formidable crime novel. In my personal vocabulary, there are barely enough superlatives to describe The Third Voice. But the fact is that it is sensitive, fast-paced, unpredictable, engaging, surprising, sentimental and totally integrated and well written … It is immodestly exciting and immodestly stylish entertainment. 6 out of 6.”
Fyens Stiftstidende / DK
“The writing couple Cilla and Rolf Börjlind’s sequel to Spring Tide deals with super current events by putting the spotlight on risk capitalist impact on elderly care. Meanwhile, the voltage is at the highest level. This gives them the highest possible highest rating!”
Literature Magazine / SWE
“Again the Börjlinds has written a speedy story, well rooted in the current news.”
Hallands Nyheter / SWE
“Börjlinds seems incapable of writing bad crime story. Cilla and Rolf Börjlind has written numerous scripts for television series, the most well known a number of Martin Beck movies. They write on the border between the completely possible and almost unthinkable. Tom Stilton belongs to the almost unthinkable.”
Nyheterna / SWE
“It is a classic approach to make use of the reluctant and disillusioned detective , but the authors do something more with this cliché. It is far from routine and by showing both Tom’s and Olivia’s opinions, feelings and choices the story itself deepens and complicates the characters in a really smart way. Alongside with the traditional revenge motive current discussions of the interest of venture capitalists in health care and sexual violence are woven in. It works exceptionally well.”
Folkbladet / SWE
“High tempo and fluency in language and action.”
P4 Skaraborg / SWE
“The couple Börjlind is good at creating tension.”
Ystad Allehanda / SWE
“The portraits are skillfully carved and it is equally exciting to follow the investigators and the investigation itself.”
MåBra / SWE
“The book has that special quality that makes you just have to read on.”
“Time for success number two. I like the Börlinds for the same reason I like Kepler and Hjort & Rosenfeld. It is entertaining, exciting and the pages just dance away in the light of the reading lamp at night.
Mariestads-Tidningen / SWE
“The Börjlind couple is good at creating suspense. The language is short and clean, and one is immediately drawn into the story. The Third Voice contains a hefty dose of critique on society: about risk capitalists in the privatized care for elderly.”
Kristianstadsbladet / SWE
“The Börjlinds know how to work a grind-stone. A very well written story. They have a good feel for tempo and manages to keep the suspense until the very end.”
Tidningen Ångermanland / SWE
“This is at least as good, almost better, than the debut novel.”
ICA-kuriren / SWE