Rebecka E. Aldén

An alert goes out in the Stockholm archipelago when a mysterious object is seen floating in the waves. Sea rescue volunteer Annika and her colleagues arrive on the scene and make a disturbing discovery – a baby is found in the water.

A few days earlier, Henrik and Isabelle set off on their first sailing trip together since becoming parents to ten-month-old Olivia. At the same time, a young man, Sebastian, is on his way home after a party in the archipelago. He is determined to take control of his messy life when he gets a tough phone call. He must complete one last dangerous mission. When Sebastian’s path crosses with Henrik and Isabelle in the outer archipelago, dark secrets surface, and it is the start of several terrible days.

After writing a number of standalone psychological thrillers, Rebecka E. Aldén began her first suspense series in 2022 – The Sea Rescue series. Set in the Stockholm archipelago, it follows a team of sea rescue volunteers who become involved in various crime investigations. After a flying start with Black Sails and Red August Moon, it’s time for the series’ third instalment: Blue Dusk.

448 pages


Norway: Gyldendal
Sweden: Romanus & Selling


Blue Dusk is a well-written suspense novel set in an archipelago environment, with interesting and believable character descriptions.”

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