Cilla & Rolf Börjlind

At the end of a long hot summer, the body of a man is found in a melted snow pocket in the Arjeplog mountains. The man was shot to death approximately twenty years ago. Olivia Rönning is sent to investigate the case..
On the way to the find site, the helicopter she is travelling with is surprised by a storm and crashes. When Olivia wakes up, the pilot is badly injured, and the emergency radio broken – she can not contact the outside world. She leaves the wreck and manages to get to a closed fishing camp.
But she is not alone in the mountains. There are others who also want to find out – or hide – the truth about the dead man.
When Tom Stilton hears what has happened to Olivia, he immediately leaves his quiet life in Thailand to help her.
Together, they reveal that the murdered man in the mountains is a victim of a mystery that goes back a half-century.
The sixth book in the bestselling crime series about Olivia Rönning and Tom Stilton.
411 pages
Belgium: AW Bruna
Czech Republic: Euromedia
Denmark: Gyldendal
Finland: Schildts & Söderström
Germany: btb
Lithuania: Obuolys
The Netherlands: AW Bruna
Norway: Gyldendal
Poland: Sonia Draga
Slovakia: Ikar
Slovenia: Hisa knjig Kms
Sweden: Norstedts
“There is a terrific pace throughout the novel, which will please anyone who wants an exciting reading experience.”
Stavanger Aftenblad, NO
“Sometimes when reading a crime novel, you get annoyed at things that are solely entertaining. However, you usually only get annoyed when it is not well written. This is rarely the case when the Börjlinds are on the move, they have written many great TV scripts over the years and it shows. They can keep a high pace without losing commitment.”
Dagens Nyheter, Lotta Olsson / SWE
“My thoughts go to Indiana Jones and similar heroes. In general, the scenes are very cinematic. It is easy to see the moving images before your eyes while reading. And it’s dramatic, extremely exciting at times. Something the Börjlinds are skilled at, building up thriller-like events that are constantly escalating.”
4/4, Nisse Scherman, blog / SWE
“The Börjlind couple knows how to build an exciting story that is engaging at the same time. And, in Frozen Gold, they have returned to a winning concept from the first books in the series, to gather the investigating group at the kitchen table at Mette and Mårten’s. It creates a dynamic between the different characters, and their interplay, thoughts and actions are a great treasure of the books in this series.
Omnible, blog Anette Juhlin / SWE
“This is a dramatic story with a lot of unexpected turns. The intrigue is elaborated and credible, and the characters, Olivia Rönning especially, are vivid. […] The alpine environment, Sweden in general, and Gambia also feels authentically depicted. Frozen Gold is without a doubt the best novel yet in this crime series.”
“The much-awaited sixth installment about Rönning and Stilton delivers top quality excitement.”
5 out of 5.
Amelia / SWE