Cilla & Rolf Börjlind

On the Mekong River in Thailand, the former police and homeless man Tom Stilton slides down in a primitive canoe. In his pocket he has a photo of an unknown man and the name of a lost riverboat. He is heading into the Golden Triangle in search of a dark secret – a journey that forces him to deal with his past, and to reconcile with a crime he recently committed.
Meanwhile, Olivia Rönning gets a special assignment. A family has been killed in their car, and the horrifying dead has shaken Sweden. An offender is arrested and convicted. But one day retired criminal commissioner Mette Olsäter contacts Olivia, convinced there has been a scandalous trial of justice and she wants Olivia to open up the investigation again. An investigation which leads her into a world of sexual abuse and men who are ready to do anything to keep their power.
Gangrene is the fifth book about Tom Stilton and Olivia Rönning.
440 pages
Belgium: AW Bruna
Czech Republic: Euromedia
Denmark: Gyldendal
Finland: Schildts & Söderström
Germany: btb
Lithuania: Obuolys
The Netherlands: AW Bruna
Norway: Gyldendal
Poland: Sonia Draga
Slovakia: Ikar
Slovenia: Hisa knjig Kms
Sweden: Norstedts
”An exciting, well-written crime novel, where justice finally prevails.”
Aftonbladet / SWE
”The books have a voice of their own, a laid back language and a smart society perspective on the law enforcement.”
Dagens Nyheter / SWE
”Gangrene is the kind of crime novel that stays with you after you read it. Not just because of the pace and the subject, but because it is so enormously well written. The authors’s duo Cilla and Rolf Börjlind write boldly, without clichés and with a feeling for the details.”
Femina / DK
”An outstandingly dramatic story from Sweden’s masters of crime Cilla and Rolf Börjlind.”
Lokalavisen Nordsjaelland / DK
”The novel ha the same high quality as the previous ones, for these authors know how to write crime down to the tiniest detail. They manage to follow up and collect each clue with a language that both increases the excitement and the lust for reading.”
Nordjyske Stiftstidene / DK
”Gangrene is characterized by a relaxed and low-key humoristic storytellng that is balanced perfeclty against the suspense of the content. This is Börjlind’s best book so far.”
Kristianstadsbladet / SWE
”In addition to that the authors have written an incredibly exciting thriller, the charcters and the environment are credible. Current world problems are highlighted: terrorism, organized crime, economic gaps and not least children’s vulnerability. A brilliant thriller, which is not just a suspense novel. It also makes the reader think and reflect.”
Ölandsbladet / SWE
“I threw myself over this, and besides the story being up to date, it’s both exciting and interesting, of course.”
Barometern / SWE
”Cilla and Rolf Börjlind have gone from clarity to clarity with their police thrillers. With every book the literary language have fallen more and more into place, and the new one is no exception. Gangrene is characterized by a relaxed and quiet humoruous narrative, which is nicely balanced against the thrilling content and serious substance. Once again, I have to say that this is the Börjlind’s best book so far.”
Smålandsposten / SWE
”There are extremely many author couples in the literary homicide genre in Sweden. I am tempted to say, the Börjlind’s are most skilled of them all when it comes to constructing an unprecedented story/…/ The reader is invited onto a rollercoaster ride in the most breaknecking class. Stilton is tough and soft at the same time, and he has an honorary code that both helps and torments him.”
Dast Magazine / SWE
”Gangrene is a dear reencounter and once again Cilla & Rolf Börjlind show elite class when it comes to writing a multifaceted thriller which challenges both boundaries and norms.”
Johannas Deckarhörna / SWE
”The book is well written, suspenseful, nasty and dramatic. I warmly recommend it.”
Bims blog / SWE
I love these books and I can’t wait for the next.”
Bokstunder / SWE