Innovative stories for stretch readers

The Gotland Mysteries
The Nature Noir Series
Stand alones
Czech Republic
Contemporary. Smart. Exciting. Entertaining. Well written. Brilliant language.
These are words that recur in reviews from critics and readers when they describe Peter Stjernström’s authorship.
The stories have a high tempo with focus on elaborate dramaturgy, effective turning points and vibrant characterization. It’s intriguing from beginning to end. The protagonists are complex individuals and at any time unexpected perspective shifts may occur. When reading you can never be 100 percent certain if the events in the books could happen in real life or if they’re pure fantasies. These are books for stretch readers who like to be entertained and enriched.
A number of years ago Peter Stjernström gave up a career in the finance industry to explore his own creativity, to work professionally with texts and develop his skills as an entrepreneur. His first novel, Enn Mann, was released in 2003. The novel The Best Book in the World (Världens bästa bok) from 2011 is translated to eight languages and is published for example in the UK.
The Gotland Mysteries
2023 – The Smugglers (Smugglarna), suspense novel
2022 – Sea Leap (Sjösprång), suspense novel
2021 – Blood Meal (Blodmål), suspense novel
The Nature Noir Series
2019 – Station K (Station K), suspense novel
2016 – The Cage Girl (Burflickan), suspense novel
2015 – The Butterfly Boy (Fjärilspojken), suspense novel
Stand alones
2011 – The Best Book in the World (Världens bästa bok), novel
2005 – The Big Newsmaker (Stora Journalist-Prisse), novel
2003 – Enn Mann (Enn Mann), novel
Reader’s comments
“I love, LOVE, both The Cage Girl and The Butterfly Boy. So extremely well written. These are two of the best books I have read.”
“Fantastic. I just love both the book and the audio reader.”
“So very good! Interesting about bees and important with the problem the use of pesticides cause. Thank you for this unusual book.”
“I’ve read The Butterfly Boy and I’m completely taken. It’s been a long time since it was so hard to put down a book.”
“A really f***ing good book! Interesting plot, great and exciting protagonists, some thoughts about the society we live in and on top of that very well written. I rarely stretch read a book from cover to cover. ”
“Thank you for a wonderful read. It kept me alert in spite of all the late and missed flights across the African continent. You’re simply the best!”
“You have a very special skill; the laughter gets stuck in the throat.”
“I finished The Best Book in the World last night at 00:42. It was great! It ended a bit like The Usual Suspects.“
Author photo
Peter Ramberg. For photo rights, please contact the photographer at