Grand Agency nominees

Annualy the most popular audio books are awarded in the Storytel Awards. The longlist is out for 2020 – and 9 Grand Agency authors are on it!
9 Grand Agency titles – with 9 Grand Agency authors.
Readers can vote for their favorite titles until February 28. The three books with most votes in each of the five categories; Crime and Suspense, Novels, Children, YA and Non-fiction, moves on to the jury groups. The jury groups select the winners.
The author and the narrator of the winning titles receive a Storytel Awards statuett and a SEK 10 000 check.
We’re proud to announce the Grand Agency nominee’s
Crime & suspense – Cast your vote
Crime & suspense
The Defender – Anna Karolina
Frozen Gold – Cilla & Rolf Börjlind
Die For Our Sins – Marianne Cedervall
When the Last Verse Rings Out – Marianne Cedervall
The Death List – Anna Jansson
The Shadow Behind You – Anna Jansson
The Chameleon – Jonas Moström
Slumber – Lena Ollmark & Håkan Östlundh
The Horse Boys – Johan Ehn