FREAKING FATHERHOOD (Pappa för dig som har bråttom)
Henrik Lange

The first thing that dies in a war and when you have your first child is the truth. But here, in the middle of the battle field called “becoming a father” it is resurrected.
Freaking Fatherhood is an eye witness description, a direct report without analysis, which nor gives comfort or hope. You will not find answers about life as a father, but instead warnings which all call out “Turn around!”.
We get to follow a young strong man from the moment he finds out he is to become a father until 9 years later when we meet him as a wrung-out-dishcloth father-of-three. On the journey we learn about the people you get to run into as a father, from strange doctors to old ladies pinching your cheeks. We learn how friends will behave and we get valuable hints for the upcoming parent meetings you have to withstand and how to tolerate other fathers and their children.
There are a number of books on what happens to and in the body of the mother-to-be, but what happens to the man’s body? Finally we will get a picture of what a birth is really like. Even the secret why parents of small children send Christmas cards of their little ones is revealed.
Each page has Henrik Lange’s illustrations.
Sweden: Kartago
“He alters texts with funny illustrations, and the pinpointing observations are almost like aphorisms.”
Arbetarbladet / SWE
“Fatherhood books are usually not so enjoyable, but this one is. For real.”
Vi föräldrar / SWE
“It is wonderful to becoma a parent, but it has its downsides too, which Henrik Lange in such accurate way describes in this book.”
Motala & Vadstena Tidning / SWE
Regardless of genre, Mats Strandberg has been praised for his sharp eye for character and dialogue. His characters are created with a large portion of psychological insight. They are never purely ”good” or ”evil”, but always relatable and believable. His novels are carefully plotted, the stories weaved with precision and confidence in the universe he has created.