IBSEN IN AN HOUR (Ibsen på en timme)
Katarina & Henrik Lange

Do you have the desire but not the time to plow through Ibsen’s collected works? Here is the book for you.
Ibsen in an Hour describes the world famous poet’s whole life. In record time, you read everything you need to know, both on the author’s extensive artistic production, but also private deails. For example, he called his wife “The Eagle” he wrote in the book Catiline under the pseudonym Brynjolf Bjärme and he hated to be in large crowds.
The Lange couple has had great success worldwide with their intelligent and witty books about great writers. Ibsen in an Hour was originally published in Norway by Henrik Lange’s publisher, Schibsted.
83 pages
Norway: Schibsted
Sweden: Natur & Kultur
“Introduction to Henrik Ibsen can be provided in many different ways, in everything from deep scientific analysis to the simple, fun and Illustrated Volume I here I have got in my hand. The title is lying really do not, but I served clues to dramas and literary texts but also a lot of fun facts about the poet’s life.”
Dagen / NO
“You’ll be more educated than you’d ever imagine.”
LitteraturMagazinet / SWE
“If you know just the slightes about the original work this ingeniously simple but appealing cartoons and the drastic summaries and quotes become an additional gem. Which also shows how silly the plot of a book can operate without its literary context. No, you will not be fully educated in an hour. But you might get the urge to learn more after this hour of fun.”
HelaHelsingland.se / SWE
“For some readers, Henrik Lang’s In-A-Hurry books are the entrance to a new authorship, for others they’re humorus recognition of what they have already read. Whichever, it is a great shortcut to the history of literature.”
Arbetarbladet / SWE
“Absolutely wonderful! I have set out to read the classics this summer. Now I’ll manage Ibsen and Dante in an hour! And I’ll have so much fun while watching the cartoons.”
Hillevi Wahl blog / SWE