Anna Jansson

Promo video (in Swedish)
Here, beside the old south plaza, I have my hair salon. If you are passing by, please step in. I offer tea with mint and elderflower from my own garden while you wait for your turn. I watch you in the mirror to find out how I can help you, the best way I can. My scissor is a magic wand. My colors make the transformation complete, if that’s what you want.
When you are seated in the chair and I wrap the cape around you, I have a suggestion. But my first question is always: What can I do for you? And I mean not just your hair. I mean: What can I do for you in your life? There are two barber chairs here, and there is never a coincidence who is placed next to. It is carefully planned.
Prepare for laughter and tears, and do so with both wit and warmth! Meet Angelika Lagermark, The Goddess of Fate, who has run her hair salon for seven years, putting extra spice to everyday life by doing match making. Keeping it as a well hidden secret, her customers know nothing of this, they just accidentally become victims of love.
326 pages
Czech Republic: Dobrovsky
Denmark: People’s
Estonia: Eesti Ramat
Finland: Gummerus
Iceland: Storyside
Netherlands: Meulenhoff Boekerij
Norway: Cappelen Damm
Sweden: Norstedts
“A super nice feel good novel. The gallery of characters is diverse and they interact totally with each other. The story becomes a truthful depicturing of people and their different abilities and strengths.”
Boknörden / DK
“The Goddess of Fate at Salon d’Amour is a great joy to read. The intrigues build up and one feels for the people and just wants it to end as happily, as it should do in a romantic novel. It’s lighthearted and fun reading. What really strikes me is that the author must have had such fun when writing this. You can feel the joy in the characters she created.”
Värmlands Folkblad / SWE
“I read the whole book during one lovely summer day. I practically devoured the book and now I hope Anna Jansson will write more feel good novels. I will definately read them.”
Bokfrossa / SWE
“A fun change of genre.”
Dagens Nyheter / SWE
“A cosy moment is what you really get with The Goddess of Fate at Salon d’Amour, a feelgood by the Queen of Crime – Anna Jansson. A good and fun story.”
Västerbottenkuriren / SWE
“This is a wonderful love story full of intricacies and humor. What I appreciate the most, in addition to phobia training, is the mature woman’s ability to continue with all her obligations in the midst of chaos and a passionate love. This consideration and the warm commitment to others in the midst of everyday life is so blessing to read a lot about. The book contains so many fine relations, wise thoughts and surprising events that I continue to return to it several times during the summer. I never seem to tire of Angelika’s company, one of the book-friends I will carry with me in life.”
Literaturmagazinet / SWE
“A purely cosy novel with lovable characters.”
Ariel / SWE
“The book is filled with fun expressions and it is both speed and fresh air in the storytelling.”
Bokgalleriet / SWE
“Warmly entertaining and very good!”
Jennie’s booklist, blog / SWE
“You could easily say that this year’s summer mystery is here! And in this year’s best mystery you find a romantic comedy spiced with some suspense, some cooking together with a few mysteries.”
Tidningen Kulturen / SWE
“Since I am a married man since 40 years I have no need to visit Salon d’Amour, except for of course to fix my hair. And maybe also to meet Angelika, which I would very much enjoy to do again. I hope this will continue, Anna, you must have had as much fun writing as we have had reading!”
Nisse Scherman / SWE
“Anna Jansson is a sharp observer. She sees the same things as we do, but she has the way of finding the humor in everyday situations and she can describe what she sees in such a way that the reader laughs and smiles in recognition. There will be a sequel, right Anna Jansson? You must have had as much fun as us readers do!”
DAST Magazine / SWE
“Cosy, lighthearted and most of all really joyous.”
Femina / SWE