NOT EVEN THE PAST (Inte ens det förflutna)
Anna Jansson

The old wooden door to the prison tower Kajsarn in Visby is slightly open. The boy takes the girls hand in the dark when the moist, cold air hits them as a breath from death and the door closes behind them. No one would be able to hear their call for help.
They stumble not to fall down in the dark cave. Between the rocks in the wall Erik finds a leather pouch with a map. In the dim light from the lighter they see it is dated 1816. Since that night, they have a secret agreement – one day they shall go to Gotska Sandön and dig up the shipwreck looter’s treasure.
After thirty years of waiting and just as a possibility to collect the treasure opens up, everything is shattered. Just before Christmas, Erik Hansson is found frozen to death in his car on highway 142. There is no proof of a crime. In a confused state, thoughts of revenge and death for a lost life rise. The ones that have caused so much pain and shame shall not remain unpunished.
Death writes an invitation. Seven women travel to Gotska Sandön for a rehab camp, paid for by the Social Insurance Bureau. There is a storm and all the electricity is cut off. Only a few of them will return …
One of the women on the island is Maria Wern. She needs to disappear for a while since she is going to testify in a trial and has received death threats. The trip turns out to be a fatal mistake: after a couple of days she realizes with horrific clarity that they are all included in an evil plan.
308 pages
Denmark: People’s
Finland: Gummerus
Germany: BookBeat
Italy: StorySide
Japan: Tokyo Sogen
Norway: Cappelen Damm
Poland: BookBeat
Spain: StorySide
Sweden: Norstedts
UK/US: StorySide (WER)
Film rights
Warner Brothers Nordic (Eyeworks), Sweden
“Anna Jansson writes with an insane undertone where it is impossible not to be impressed. When she is good, she is just outstanding, and as a disgraceful parody over us Swedish middle aged women it is unbeatable.”
Dagens Nyheter / SWE
“It is more a horror novel than crime novel, with a claustrophobic almost feverish feeling.”
“Strikingly exciting.”
Aftonbladet / SWE
“There is a main theme in the story about how vulnerable we are as individuals in a society not built for everyone.”
Gotlands Tidningar / SWE
“If you dare to risk your night’s sleep, Not Even the Past is highly recommended.”
Hallands Posten / SWE
“Anna Jansson is brilliant in her suggestive descriptions of Gotska Sandön in stormy, rainy darkness. The feeling of a threat of ruin is almost touchable … Anna Jansson is really one of the best we have got.”
Gefle Dagblad / SWE
“A warm portrait of a grown cumbersome love. I can only repeat what I wrote about her Strange Bird in 2006 – how great she is!”
Sydsvenska Dagbladet / SWE
“Exiting it is – for sure.”
Hallands Nyheter / SWE
“Skillfully Anna Jansson builds a night mare scenario … a strong and very exciting book.”
Gotlands Tidningar / SWE