THE MAIL THIEF (Brevtjuven)
Anna Jansson
Illustrations by Mimmi Tollerup

Emil Wern lives in Visby. In his yard there is an old yellow market stand where he has his detective bureau. And Visby really needs a detective bureau, because it is full of suspicious people. Together with his little sister Linda and the pretty stupid dog Molly, Emil solves some really tricky mysteries.
When Emil doesn’t get an invitation to Alva’s birthday party he gets both sad and suspicious. Why is she angry with him? But it all turns out to be a big misunderstanding. It isn’t just Emil’s invitation that is gone. Someone has been steeling mail out of the mailbox at the Town Square in Visby! Emil decides to find out who is guilty. Another case for Emil Wern detective!
The Mail Thief is the thirteenth book about eleven year old Emil Wern and his detective bureau.
100 pages
Norway: Cappelen Damm
Sweden: Rabén & Sjögren
“The reading offers big laughs, lost breaths and surprised faces, everything in a perfectly layered mix. In addition, we increase our vocabulary considerably with the useful glossary at the end of the book. How fun it is to be able to use words like “hypothesis” and “characteristics” when you play “police chasing thieves” at recess?
Lärarförbundets tidning (The Teacher Magazine) / SWE