MOTHERS-IN-LAWS UNLIMITED (Svärmödrar utan gränser)
Anna Jansson

Promo video (in Swedish)
In the tales stepmothers are evil. But in real life, it’s the mother-in-laws one should beware of. That’s what Angelika Lagermark is convinced of. At least in her darker moments.
Six months ago Angelika caught a bridal bouquet and now the expectations for a wedding are great, but Angelika is doubtful. Is Magnus the right man to live with? His mother Judith, who unexpectedly moved in with Angelika when she had a leakage in her apartment, definitely is not the partner Angelika wants. Life is not easy. Angelika never had the children she so much longed for, but when little Folke comes into her life she gets a chance to be an important adult in his life. Folke suffers from kidney failure and needs a new kidney. How shall she do to find a suitable donor? And what do you say to a child who raises important questions about death?
Angelika and her sister run two respectively barbershops on Gotland, but under the surface, there is a different business: they help people find love. We meet Egil who suffers from post-traumatic-passion-syndrome since his girlfriend declared that they should have a break and gain new experiences. Now each week, Egil puts in an add in the local paper under the pseudonym “Unexperienced” to find women for practical exercises in the art of love. He definitely needs help to get out of his trauma.
It is never a coincidence who you end up next to, when you go for a hair cut at Salon d’Amour. It is a thoroughly arranged meeting. And it’s never too late to find love. Angelika welcomes you inside!
320 pages
Czech Republic: Dobrovsky
Denmark: People’s
Estonia: Eesti Raamat
Finland: Gummerus
Iceland: Storyside
Netherlands: Meulenhoff Boekerij
Norway: Cappelen Damm
Sweden: Norstedts
“Mothers-in-law Unlimited is an excellent relationship novel, with lots of excitement and with a great turn at the end. A surprising twist, worthy any detective novel! Yes, Mothers-in-law Unlimited is really as exciting as a detective story, but then it’s also written by the crime master Anna Jansson. And she is so talented that she doesn’t need to commit murder to keep things interesting! In Mothers-in-law Unlimited she also offers the reader a very funny parody on a crime writer!”
Tidningen Kulturen / SWE
“The first book was divine but this is damn DIVINEST! This is feel-good at its best, sobbing and laughter, comfort food and lemoncake, characters who are truly colourful and fabulous environment on Gotland + so much LOVE. Love of friends, love to a life partner, love between parents and children and love to those who are no longer with us. This novel is hopeful and warm! I’m very lyrical. It’s when I read these kinds of books (I read it on one day, I couldn’t stop reading) I understand why I read. I feel healed and taken care of when I read feel-good.”
Försvinner och stannar kvar, blog / SWE
“Anna Jansson has found the form, and to my delight, writes about all kinds of relationships in a both exiting, funny and thoughtful way.”
Dagens Nyheter / SWE
“Mothers-in-law Unlimited is the sequel to The Goddess of Fate at Salon D’Amour. This too is a warm, humoristic and every day wise book. With ”every day wise” I mean it deals with problem that anyone can have and Anna handles them gently. However, every situation is a little bit twisted which makes it really funny. It’s hard to not read from cover to cover in one stretch. So, read Mothers-in-law Unlimited!”
Bibliophilia / SWE