ALL YOU WISH FOR (Allt du önskar kan du få)
Anna Jansson

Maria Wern investigates a case with a disappeared seven year old in this Holiday special by Anna Jansson.
It is December in Visby. Pernilla Ekvall cannot feel any holiday spirit – her husband is almost never home and she suspects that he is having an affair.
On Lucia morning, December 13, Pernilla takes off in a rush after leaving the daughter Tove at school. What she does not see, is how someone approaches Tove before she reaches the school yard.
51 minutes, 1 episode
Denmark: People’s
Finland: Gummerus
Germany: BookBeat
Italy: StorySide
Norway: Cappelen Damm Audio
Poland: BookBeat
Spain: StorySide
Sweden: Tiden/Norstedts
UK/US: StorySide (WER)
Film rights
Warner Brothers Nordic, Sweden