(En otippad kärlekshistoria)

Anna Jansson

Angelika Lagermark’s great grandmother Amalia used to say that if you can do something with your anger instead of trying to master it, that’s the best way to deal with it.

These are words of wisdom that hairdresser Angelika at Salon d’Amour kept in mind through her life. But while Angelika helps her customers find love, her own relationship with taxi driver Magnus is starting to crack. Stay or leave? That’s the never-ceasing question.

Angelika helps her sister to empty a house that’s going out for sale and they share many trips back and forth to the recycling station, where they meet both ordinary visitors emptying a house, and those who are in the middle of life changing events: death, divorce, moving in together or separating. A perfect place for a relationship coach. Life is at high speed and in the midst of this commotion Angelika discovers a lump in her breast.

An Unexpected Love Story is about when the rug is pulled from under one’s feet and how to find steady ground again when everything is turned upside down. It is the fourth standalone novel in Anna Jansson’s charming and warm series about the goddess of faith Angelika.

320 pages


Czech Republic: Omega/Knihy Dobrovský
Denmark: People’s
Finland: Gummerus
Iceland: Storyside
Netherlands: Meulenhoff Boekerij
Sweden: Norstedts


“Really suspensful and thrilling feelgood.”
Norrköpings tidningar / SWE

An Unexpected Love Story is a book about love when it goes your way and when it doesn’t, and about the roller coaster ride it is to share your life with someone who lost touch with reality.”
Litteraturmagazinet / SWE

“Anna Jansson accurately describes people and their behaviors. She is the unbeaten master in this genre. She makes us see and recognize ourselves. And smile at it.”
DAST Magazine / SWE

“Hair dressers should rule this country. It’s not fair to call Jansson’s new feelgood, because she takes up many important topics in a serious way – but hopefully Angelica will be back in old good form in the next volume in the series. The hairdressing salon must definitely not be closed due to illness for any length of time!”
Tidningen Kulturen / SWE

“Charming, entertaining and gripping and moving. 4 out of 5.”
Jennis boklista / SWE

“The books about the goddess of faith, Angelika, have become something to look forward to. After An Unexpected Love Story I am eager to know what will happen next!”
Bibliophilia / SWE


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