Anna Jansson
Illustrations by Mimmi Tollerup

Emil Wern lives in Visby. In his yard there is an old yellow market stand where he has his detective bureau. And Visby really needs a detective bureau, because it is full of suspicious people. Together with his little sister Linda and the pretty stupid dog Molly, Emil solves some really tricky mysteries.

In The Bank Robbery Emil wins the bank’s lottery, but when he goes to collect his price he is met by a desperate bank director. Someone has emptied the vault during the night, and the director Svea Solvent is convinced they have to keep quiet about the robbery, otherwise the costumers will leave the bank. Therefore she asks Emil for help. And suddenly Emil Wern’s detective bureau a new case to solve. One million kronas are missing and there are four suspects …

86 pages


Denmark: Turbine
Finland: Gummerus
Norway: Cappelen Damm
Poland: Publicat
Sweden: Rabén & Sjögren


“As a children’s detective novel writer Anna Jansson writes with love and care, and especially in the description of the environment and setting she shows that language is something one can play with.”
Dagens Nyheter / SWE

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