The Haunted House (Spökhuset)
Anna Jansson
Illustrations by Mimmi Tollerup

In The Haunted House Emil leaves the city for the country side – he has been told that the home of Hedvig in Martebo is haunted. Uncle Tomas says that at all times, there has been something mysterious about the morass outside the village, that people have seen a strange light hovering above the ground at night. Could it be aliens visiting or does the light have something to do with the ghost at the Hedvig’s house?
Emil always has the opinion that there is a natural explanation for everything. Maybe it’s Hedvig’s tennants – the medium Sigrid Scoop and the photographer Nikon Hasselblad – that has something fishy going on. Or, it is haunting. For real! The only way for Emil to find out for sure is to bring Ubbe and Linda and spend a night in the haunted house …
78 pages
Denmark: Boogo Books
Finland: Gummerus
Norway: Cappelen Damm
Sweden: Rabén & Sjögren